Monday, August 24, 2020
E-Procurement and Supply Chain Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
E-Procurement and Supply Chain - Assignment Example Assembling Source Preparing (MRP) as a major aspect of SCM can help plan and make sense of the necessities and time spans for new improvement techniques to have the option to appraise thing appropriation day by day exercises, and answer to changes in the commercial center or thing. It is an application based improvement arranging and stock control framework used to deal with assembling strategies (Blanchard 2010). Before the web went along, the aspirations of gracefully chain application devotees were confined to upgrading their capacity to gauge request from clients and make their own flexibly chain run all the more without any problem. Yet, the modest, famous qualities of the web, alongside its straightforward, comprehensively endorsed collaboration necessities, have hurled things open up (Blanchard 2010). Presently, associations can interface their gracefully chain with the flexibly chain of their suppliers and customers together in a solitary wide framework that improves costs and opportunities for everybody locked in. This was the explanation behind the B2B blast; the possibility that everybody an organization works with could be connected together into one major fulfilled, steady family (Simchi-Levi 2007). Obviously, truth isn't exactly that fulfilled and strong. In any case, nowadays most associations examine probably a few information with their flexibly chain associates.... Providers wouldn't need to figure what number of crude parts to buy, and makers wouldn't need to buy more than they need from suppliers to make sure they have enough on side if requirement for their items unexpectedly improves. Also, providers would have less empty racks on the off chance that they appropriated the subtleties they had about pay of an organization's thing in the entirety of their shops with the creator (Petrovic-Lazarevic et al 2007). The web makes showing your side to others conceivable, yet many long stretches of question and absence of synchronization inside segments make it troublesome (Jacoby 2009.). The advantage of fitting and exact gracefully chain subtleties is the ability to make or convey just as a lot of a thing as there is an industry for. This is the activity known as without a moment to spare assembling, and it permits associations to diminish the measure of stock that they keep. This can cut costs extensively, since you no longer need to pay to create and store undesirable items. Yet, numerous associations and their gracefully chain partners have far to go before that phase of flexibly chain adaptability can be completed (Jacoby 2009). The advantages from business asset arranging are expressed to include: lower stock holding costs lower buying costs lower advancement costs lower accounting and documentation costs lower transport costs lower interest in hardware lower interest in plant lower interest in land scaled down mechanical production system down-times increasingly adaptable assembling forms progressively successful parcel styles and booking discounted botches because of better coordination the expense and effectiveness upgrades (referenced above) could build benefit or increment piece of the pie (at a lower cost) decreased number of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
I hate dutch Essay Example For Students
I loathe dutch Essay The most exceedingly terrible film I have seen recently must be Dutch. A not as much as inspiring film about a misjudged minimal rich child and his moms regular workers sweetheart voyaging home for thanks giving supper. They go on to a have a not all that energizing experience with an absolutely crazy story driving this train wreck. Not exclusively is everything that occurs in this story absolutely extraordinary. Every occasion gives you another motivation to hate one of the characters somewhat more. Before the finish of this film I got myself not mindful if these to made it home or passed on all the while. In the start of the story the young men mother and father have gotten a separation. I was a muddled issue leaving the mother helpless before the dad. She has proceeded onward and begun dating a man named Dutch with an average workers foundation. The kid, Henry, is away at life experience school anticipating his dads visit that will never occur. The mother frantic to be there for h er child attempts to persuade him to come see her for the occasion. Henry declines since he censures his mom for not making her marriage work. What's more, this is were the entire thing self-destructs. The mother, Mary, concludes that she would truly like for her child to go to her home. So she sends Dutch to go up and carry the kid to her. So off like an abundance tracker in the old west Dutch goes out to get his man. Also, our experience starts. Presently directly here is were I get somewhat confounded. I simply cant help to ask why Dutch, a man this poor kid has never met, is going to get him. Dislike this school is an hour away its a few a days in the vehicle together. What's more, this may be alright under better conditions. In any case, taking into account that this youngster has a ton of outrage towards his mom. You would imagine this would be a decent open door for them to talk. Also the way that Henry hasnt excepted his folks separate and the exact opposite thing he is goin g to need to do is meet her new sweetheart, who is assuming his dads position in Marys life. His mom doesnt even consider accompanying. Not that she is occupied or anything. She just feels that Dutch can deal with it. Causing her to appear to be exceptionally week and vulnerable. Not the sort of move model I would need for my little girl. At that point we get to meat this poor abused minimal rich child. Furthermore, after only a couple of moments we wind up feeling like this little imp probably won't be sufficient for these not exactly attractive guardians. We first observe him when his mom calls him to welcome him to Thanksgiving supper, since his dad asked her to drops the plans he and Henry had. At the point when a little kid comes to get him for the call he promptly begins to scare him. He jumps on the telephone with his mom and promptly excuses anything she needs to state. He proceeds to reprimand her for the family not being together any more. At that point after he accepts th e call the various young men come out to toss paper planes at him and snicker at his adversity. This may have been a type of endeavor to give us how disturbed Henry truly is. Everything is demonstrated me was a child exploiting his circumstance. He is just stressed over himself. He not just doesnt thank the more youthful kid for coming as far as possible up steps to disclose to him his mom is on the telephone. He goes ballistic, shouting at him for not thumping on the open entryway. We see that he is definitely not an enjoyed individual when he has a battle with his mom on the telephone and his cohorts come out not to reassure him yet to toss paper planes and giggle. Not this seen even bodes well. Its as though somebody put simply part of that seen in and nobody saw in time. At that point comes the sweetheart. He appears at Henrys room before he arrives. He just strolls directly in and begins strolling around. At that point he begins going however the young men things he looks trough cupboards under envelopes and anyplace else he want to sneak around. Henry strolls into the roo m and begins to toss Dutch around like a cloth doll. He parts of the bargains a couple of shots from a pellet weapon. In the wake of bumbling around like a type of fish out of water Dutch finely gets his poise and snatches the weapon from the multi year old Henry. .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10 , .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10 .postImageUrl , .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10 , .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10:hover , .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10:visited , .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10:active { border:0!important; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10:active , .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10:hover { obscurity: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!importan t; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u1dc054a30c74f7e3c45f396661364f10:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Philosphy EssayEven in the event that you believed that this young man could toss around a developed man. The seen just doesnt bode well. What are these individuals thinking? Dutch just goes to get this child and no one even tries to call and let him realize he is coming. At that point to appear and begin glancing through the children things. That is a finished infringement of Henrys individual space. Who does this person think he is. Perhaps its fair me. Yet, I dont think dating somebody portion not give you the option to look through their children room. Not the best approach to prevail upon him. He had the right to have the child kick him were it checks. After that I just dont perceive how this will be acceptable individual to invest some energy with this previously confused youngster. They at that point proceed to have an exhausting and uneventful excursion back home for thanksgiving supper. Never giving you any motivation to accept that you ought to try and consider these individuals a human. Which makes it difficult to think about the characters situation. An issue just exacerbated by the total absence of acting aptitudes. List of sources:
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Jeans Alcoholics Anonymous Story
Jeans Alcoholics Anonymous Story Addiction Coping and Recovery Personal Stories Print Jeans Story I Tried to Blame Everyone and Everything By Jean Updated on April 08, 2019 Rafael Elias/Moment/Getty Images More in Addiction Coping and Recovery Personal Stories Methods and Support Overcoming Addiction Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Hello, my name is Jean and I am a recovering alcoholic. I am one of the fortunate alcoholics who has lived to tell my story. But for the grace of God and the program of AA, I would have died. I started drinking at a very early age and was very popular with my high school crowd as the life of the party. I could always out drink everyone who I was with. What started out as fun ended in living hell. My drinking continued through high school and into business college and then into the first law office in which I worked. At that time, my drinking was fairly well under control; I was young, I had the stamina to get drunk every night and work every day and the vicious cycle went on and on. I really dont like drunkalogs, so I will try to be brief and say: I was married several times, held very prestigious jobs, i.e.,working in various law firms, for a state Senator and a Probate Judge and the Lt. Governors office. I had a beautiful home and a husband who I thought I loved at the time; and most of all, my beautiful children. The Blackouts Started Well, this husband didnt love me as much as I thought; he did the right thing; he took my children, he booted me out of my beautiful home, and he divorced me. I STILL had not bottomed out. I could still out drink anyone around; and by then, of course, the blackouts had started. Believe me, I tried to blame everyone and everything I knew for my drinking; the death of my child, the ex-husbands, etc. Everyone was responsible for my drinking except me. The blackouts were, in a way, a blessing. I dont want to remember some of those times. Finally, of course, the time came when I could no longer work; I had to have my daily fix of alcohol every few hours or so. My life was a total living hell. There were so many days when all I could do was look out my window to see if it was daylight or dark. Hitting Alcoholic Bottom That, my friends, is something that no living human being would ever want to go through. Of course, eventually, the time came when there was no money for apartment rent, or for anything, except for the few dollars I kept back for my booze. Thank God for the final blackout â" I came to in a room with a quarter on the dresser in the room. Thank God my family practiced Tough Love. None of my family would allow me in their homes; this was bottom out time. I looked in the yellow pages of the phone book and found the number for AA. The Liquor Had Stopped Working Within minutes, a lady and gentleman from Alcoholics Anonymous were there. Neither of them seemed shocked by the few things I told them. I was so sure my story was unique from anyone elses story. I was so sure I was unique. Little did I know but I was simply an alcoholic, one who was ready to do anything in the world to change my life. These people took me in, carried me to my first AA meeting, and lots of other people started working with me and detoxing me. I have never been so sick, mentally and physically. But I learned after that, that even my worst day sober was better than my best day drunk. The liquor had stopped working for me. There was no more high, or good feeling. I would like to tell you that I stopped there, but after one year of sobriety, I decided I possibly could still be a social drinker. God, what a disaster. What I was always told in the AA program was that this disease is so very progressive, even when you are sober, and sure enough, I lived to find that out. After my first or second drink, I went straight into a blackout. So my insane bout of drinking had started all over again. I am so grateful to my Higher Power and to those that still believed in me; I was one of the lucky ones who made it back. It was so hard to walk back into that door of AA and start over and pick up a new chip. But I did. To hell with false prideâ"I was ready to quit drinking. Otherwise, I was doomed for an insane asylum or death. I am happy to tell you that I have just picked up my 17-year sobriety chip. Never could I have made it alone. I have to have all of you, my brothers and sisters, to remind me of who I am, and that is, Jean, a recovering alcoholic who must take life one day at a time in order to stay sober. There have been many setbacks in my life, but thank God I have not had to take a drink. Seems that this past year has been my hardest; I broke my back, lost a husband I truly loved and had a complete nervous breakdown. But I STILL DID NOT DRINK. Every day is like a new day to me now; sometimes I feel as if I dont quite know which direction I am going, but I know as long as I stay sober, the direction will sooner or later become clear. I have the privilege of being able to do some work in a detox unit, and its such a great feeling to share my experience, strength, and hope with another suffering human being. I hope, in doing so that somewhere down the line, I may help just one person to find their way to the only program in the world that has worked for me; the program for the living, Alcoholics Anonymous. Thank God for Bill W. and Dr. Bob, our co-founders. Whatever would we have done had their paths not crossed? I dont have everything in the world I want right now, but I do have everything that I need, and it has been proven to me by my Higher Power and the Steps and Traditions of this program and all the great people in this program, that this thing does work. There are many things I would like to change in my life, but I feel if it is meant for them to change, it will happen. I do have my children back, with the exception of one child who is out there and is a practicing addict. There is nothing I can do for him, except pray. I have carried him to many meetings with me, so he has been exposed, and it is up to him as to whether he chooses to live or die. It is that simple. There is no in-between. I want to end by telling each of you, those of you who I dont know, that I love you. We share the same disease and we know what we have to do in life. We have a choice today. And isnt that wonderful? Some people with diseases dont have a choice. I have been given the gift of sobriety; I love life without alcohol; I enjoy so much drinking my coffee on my back steps and watching the birds in the morning; simple things that nobody else would think is that important. I find that I can make clear decisions, even though they dont always have the outcome I would like. What more can I say? I am a grateful alcoholic whose name is Jean L. and every day is a new awakening because I have been given another chance, and I must not let alcohol destroy my life. That is the reason I have to stay active in this program and always remind myself of who I am, where I have been, and where I never want and dont have to go again. Thank you for allowing me to share my story with you.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Cold Wars Third World Countries Essay - 1361 Words
Cold Wars Third World Countries The cold war spawned many different third world rebellions and affected many small countries during its course. The cold war occurred after World War 2 between two main opposing sides: United States and the USSR. The reason for the conflict between the two world superpowers was the differential views on government and the politically correct society. The term ââ¬ËFirst, Second and Third world countriesââ¬â¢ applies to their association during the Cold war era. First world countries were the countries associated with the United States and itââ¬â¢s other non-communist industrial allies. The countries supporting communism allied with the USSR and they were referred to as second world countries. Third world countriesâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A treaty called the Warsaw Pact was created to put several eastern European countries under USSR military command. The Warsaw Pact was created in response to the formation of NATO. Throughout the Cold war, Anti-communism feelings within the United States led to a series of actions delivered by the government. McCarthyism spread throughout the country. McCarthyism is the term for the incrimination of people suspected of being or helping the growth of Communism. During the inaugural address of John F. Kennedy in 1961, Kennedy stated a pledge toward communists and its allies. ââ¬Å"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us hell or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.â⬠He proposed efforts to recruit allies within Latin America. ââ¬Å"To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge- to convert our good words into good deeds ââ¬â in a new alliance for progress- to assist free men and governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers.â⠬ These ideas of preserving capitalism resulted in the declaration of the Truman doctrine, proposed by President Truman. The Truman doctrine was the policy of the United States to send troops to any nation that wasShow MoreRelatedThird world was/ is used to describe countries whose government did not take sides in the cold war.600 Words à |à 3 PagesThird world was/ is used to describe countries whose government did not take sides in the cold war. It emerged out of anti ââ¬â colonial nationalism activities and was used to replace the east ââ¬â west conflict with the north ââ¬â south conflict. All the countries deemed as third world has had a history of colonial rule, most were exploited through colonialism, imperialism, neo colonialism etc. while the third world countries were annexed and had direct government of a first country through colonialism;Read MoreThe Involvement of the Cold War in Guatemala Conflict1333 Words à |à 5 Pageshis description of the Cold War. The Cold War is often described as a state of political tension and military rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1991. It is therefore known by many people that the Cold War started and ended in Europe . However one must remember that many other countries around the world were also affected by the Cold War. Consequently instead of examining the argument that the Cold War did not involve countries in the Third World this essay will henceRead MoreThe Cold War : A New History1650 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Cold War lasted for forty years, from 1945 to 1985. Few historians took the time to address the events as they unfolded thus leaving most people with little or no explanations of the development of the war. During this fearful period, nine presidents served Americans and each president thought that the war carried a lot of dangers for forty five years. Accordingly, young Americans, Soviets and other citizens of the world require the services of a scholar with extraordinary gifts to provide insightRead MoreThe Legacy of the Cold War1083 Words à |à 5 Pages The legacy of the cold war and the struggle between the USSR and the United States continued to flourish in large portions in developing countries. The two world powers had different ideologies and were in a battle for supremacy. The Cold War pitted an American led alliance against the Soviet Union divided the economical and political world into two major blocs. The cold war involved a contest of ideologies that intensified after the two great powers, America and the Soviet Union started competingRead MoreThe Asian African Conference Of 19551250 Words à |à 5 Pagesoft-eulogized birth place of the Third World. Robert Vitalis has called Bandung ââ¬Å"the imagined birthplace of not one but two global ââ¬Ësolidarities.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ The first is nonalignment, and the second is ââ¬Å"an emerging ââ¬Ëglobal racial consciousnessââ¬â¢.â⬠While Vitalis disproves these connections, seeking to portray the reality of the Bandung Conference, this dissertation finds the aura of myth which surrounds Bandung to be a useful device. Prominent figures in the Third World Project as well as academics haveRead MoreInternational Conflict Management By Michael Butler1091 Words à |à 5 Pagesjust it rhymes the past. World War two had many countries involved in the conflict and every country had its own priorities, beliefs, needs and wants, which made it hard for them to establish common ground among each other. Preventing a conflict completely is a suicide mission, thatââ¬â¢s one of the reasons nations have come together in power to create a system which can contain both parties from destroying each other. Collective conflict management have emerged during the Cold war era, to contain both partiesRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union1529 Words à |à 7 PagesAfter the Cold War, the United States (US) and Soviet Union remained the top two superpowers. As the Cold War progressed, the ideological battle was often fought in countries that held little physi cal strategic value. One such country was Vietnam, an Indochina region that was historically under French control. During the 1960ââ¬â¢s and 70ââ¬â¢s, however, there was also influence by China over Vietnam. The Soviet Union attempted to gain control within third world countries as well. Consequently, since theRead MoreThe Origins Of Cold War1550 Words à |à 7 PagesThis research looks at the origins of Cold war, the political, ideological and economical rivalry between the United States and Soviet Union. This research draws upon mostly primary sources including memoirs, interviews and scholarly studies of cold war era conflicts. Most research on this topic focuses on its connection to the famous events and upheavals, which shaped that era. ââ¬Å"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an ââ¬Å"Iron Curtainâ⬠has descended across the continent. Behind thatRead MoreThe Impact of the Cold War on Developing Nations Essay1175 Words à |à 5 PagesIntroducti on Third world countries became the perfect battleground for cold war proxy battles during the early 1940ââ¬â¢s to late 1990ââ¬â¢s. United States wanted to flex its political muscle and try to curtail the spread of Soviet Communism in the developing nations. Most of the nations in developed world had already made their political and socio-economic stand regarding the form of governance and leadership pursued. Underdeveloped nations in Asia, Latin America and Africa were still vulnerable and easilyRead MoreChapter Five Of The United Nations Essay1509 Words à |à 7 PagesUnited Nations: A Very Short Introduction Starts out with a line stating, ââ¬Å"The UN Charter drew a link between international security and global poverty1â⬠. Both war prevention and economic development are extremely important to the United Nations (UN). It s charter specifically includes the goals, ââ¬Å"save succeeding generations from the scourge of warâ⬠and ââ¬Å"promote social progress and b etter standards of life2â⬠. Therefore, since the formation of the UN, it has worked in a variety of ways to achieve those
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Smoking and The Human Body Essay examples - 1467 Words
Smoking is a bad habit which plagues the young, as well as the old. It is the largest source of preventable mortality in North America1. Not only does smoking lead to an early grave, but it can also influence ones daily life. Many studies have revealed links between smoking and reduced endurance capacity2. Nicotine, the addictive agent found in cigarettes, can also be used to control weight gain. Both of these factors can have considerable effect on the sporting world. There have been many studies done, indicating that if you smoked, you did less physical activity. It has also been shown that the more you smoke, the less activity you do. In one experiment done on smokers and non-smokers, the subjects were tested while running aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Many sports and activities require the athlete to do notable amounts of work and expend a fair amount of energy. When an athlete smokes, they will not be able to get the required oxygen to the necessary parts of the body, and therefore will not perform as well. It has been proven that even if you have smoked, when you quit smoking your levels of physical activity will increase8. When taking a glimpse of all the top athletes in the world, it can be noted that none of them are frequent tobacco product users. Another aspect of smoking and the human body is the effect of nicotine on body weight. Nicotine, the drug found in cigarettes, is usually what tends to get smokers addicted to tobacco products. Through many different experiments, it has been shown that smokers tend to weigh less than non- smokers9. These tests were done not only by measurement of weight, but by multiple skinfold thickness assessments. In a study done on rats, it was determined that nicotine exposed rats had significantly less carcass fat, suggesting that nicotine effects fat stores. The more nicotine which was given, the less fat the rats had. It was hypothesized that nicotine effected these fat stores was by altering key enzymes in the regulation and uptake of triglycerides such as adipose-tissue lipoprotein lipase10. When dealing with humans, one study found that smokers had 2.8% lower total body fat than non-smokers11. During the process ofShow MoreRelatedTobacco Smoking And Its Impact On The Human Body796 Words à |à 4 Pages1. Tobacco smoking is one of the leading risk aspects for many diseases including cardiovascular disease (CVD), respiratory disease, and cancers of the lung and multiple other sites (Zheng, 2014). ââ¬ËCigarette smoking and its impact on fracture healing is article based on the chemicals used in cigarettes and the impact it has on the human healing process (Carter, 2015). Whereas ââ¬ËBurden of Total and Cause-Specific Mortalityââ¬â¢ is a research on tobacco smoking over the age of 45 in Asia and the associationRead MoreShould Smoking Be Public Places?1110 Words à |à 5 Pages Will smoking be convenient in your life? Smoking is the rubbish commodity to buy, sell and to utilize it. Smoking nowadays is creating obstacles to non-smokers and in general pollution to the environment. Some people are habituated to smoking and is now have become a far- reaching issue. Due to smoking it will generate complications in the future. Smoking should be banned in public places. This includes it harms people nearby smokers, causes litter and people can be affected with long-term diseaseRead MoreThe Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes On Society925 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Effects of Smoking Cigarettes Society has been faced with many social struggles since the beginning of time. Smoking cigarettes is just one of those many social challenges. Individuals who smoke cigarettes increase the risk of developing health issues. Advertising has decreased over the years but the investment is with those that started when advertising was a big deal. Finally, the chemicals put into cigarettes are designed to increase a personââ¬â¢s cravings for cigarettes making it harder toRead MoreShould Smoking be Globally Banned?905 Words à |à 4 Pagesis affected by smoking, either firsthand or secondhand. Cigarettes used to be smoked everywhere; hospitals, stores and etc. There wasnââ¬Ët certain areas for smokers, since the negative impacts were unknown to the general audience. But after technology advanced, scientists found the atrocious side effects of smoking such as health problems concerning the human body, as well as gruesome personal side effects. Majority of the chemicals released in the air and taken into the human body will cause manyRead MoreSmoking Persuasive Speech811 Words à |à 4 Pagesthis, I will be telling you about how smoking is bad for you, bad for the environment, and ways smoking in public can be stopped. Smoking should be banned! First of all, as almost everyone knows, smoking is bad for people. When people smoke their chances of having a heart attack go up immediately. Also the chances of getting cancer go up as well. This is because the tar in cigarette smoke contains carcinogens which help develop cancer cells in your body. Yet there is still more to come. AnotherRead MoreCancer: The Virulent Disease Essay863 Words à |à 4 PagesAn ordinary human body contains approximately one trillion cells and precisely 46 chromosomes in each cell. However, the human body can be altered by a genetic mutation. Over the course of history, genetic mutations have had a large impact on the human race. They have brought harm to numerous amounts of people. Cancer, in particular, is one of the most lethal diseases. Cancer begins when a portion of DNA inside a chromosome is damaged, causing a cell to mutate. Then, the mutated cell reproduces multipleRead MoreSecondhand Smoke Essay807 Words à |à 4 PagesSecondhand smok e is just as harmful as smoking because it leads to a higher prevalence of cancer and heart disease, it affects childrenââ¬â¢s health, and harms nonsmokers since they are healthy. You ever thought if smoking was harmful to you or your friends? Is smoking really that good? Many years smoking has been proven to be harmful. Smoking takes control of your mind, body and physical appearance sometimes. Many smokers are starting to smoke now at a young age. Smoking isnââ¬â¢t only harmful to you but allRead MoreCauses and Effects of Smoking in Our Life990 Words à |à 4 PagesSmoking has become one of the worldââ¬â¢s main concerns after the realization of its effect on human health. Tobacco was first introduced by Native Americans. Tobacco was known to be harmless and a stress reliever. Eventually, smoking became popular all over the world and as normal as food. The increase in technology has brought out all the negative aspects and the side effects of smoking. Scientific analysis has proven that smoking is one of the main causes for death in the world. Since smoking hasRead MoreWhy Smoking Should Be Regulated1293 Words à |à 6 PagesSmoking is one of the main causes of cancer and death in the United States. Any type of tobacco is harmful to the human body. When people smoke, they are suffocating their lungs thus changing the color of their lungs from a reddish pink to a greyish black in the long run. This color change indicates that the lungs are slowly dying; common knowledge amongst people, yet they still ignore these facts. These dangers to human health are the reasons why smoking should be more regulated. Smoking becameRead MoreThe Issue Of Vaping And Smoking1486 Words à |à 6 Pageswriting this report on the issue of vaping and smoking. I will go into detail explaining the effect of vaping and smoking in the human body and the effect it as on society. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of vaporing will be provided. In this report I will include statistical illustrations and diagrams on how it affects the society and draw conclusions with the given evidence. I have decided to research this topic because of how much smoking has affected the people especially younger people
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Literatur review Free Essays
Correspondence to this article should be addressed to Christian Magallon, Department of Psychology, University of California, Merced, CA 95348. Email: cmagallon2@ucmerced. edu Abstract In the contemporary world, inequality between males and females in the workplace is becoming a critical issue. We will write a custom essay sample on Literatur review or any similar topic only for you Order Now This has been often considered a part of our past and yet now in modern times men and women are entering into the workplace in equal numbers but women still face gender discrimination in their occupations, especially in managerial positions. There are certain limitations and restrictions that women encounter while in workplace. There is a common idea that people firmly believe, hat women are not suitable for upper division positions because they do not have the characteristics suitable for those positions. It is very important to understand the basic biases and factors which are deterring women from reaching their goals and creating inequality in a male dominated workplace. The main factors affecting gender inequality in the workplace which have been studied here are leadership, power and perceptions. Keywords: gender bias, sexual discrimination, workplace segregation Fiction This research seeks to support the fictive notion that gender equality exist oday and gender biases are a thing of the past regardless of current efforts to create equality among genders in the workplace. To increase understanding of factors affecting women this study focuses on: leadership, power, and perceptions. Throughout history there has been a struggle for equality. The suffrage movement and later affirmative action were efforts to increase equality among genders. As the economy of the nation changed to a more industrialized one it demanded more workers. While Men were at war, the demand of workers needed for war production increased. Women decided to do their part to help with the war efforts: taking over the Jobs left by men. This was a huge step for women, and the realizing of womenââ¬â¢s potential in the workforce. Women were now becoming more and more present in the workforce, diversifying the population of employees. The introduction of women brought with it new theories through research, assessing and further supporting the existence of inequality for women in the workforce. To further assess and support the existent inequality between men and women; research was obtained through a search on the University of California, Mercedââ¬â¢s library data base. Over 278 studies preceded using key descriptive words: women, power, perceptions, and leadership. Studies found support the differences within gender and the workplace. Looking in detail at studies like Roos and Brook (1981) that assessed data from the 1974-1977 that showed that women have a large earning gap compared to men due to sex segregated characteristics at an occupational level. The research showed, women mostly work at low paying Jobs and they are less likely to exercise authority in those jobs. In a related study on economics, Mano-Negrin (2004), showed a significant ncrease in participation of women in the labor market without a parallel decrease of gender wage gaps. Adler (1994) research results showed that men hold higher position, higher supervisory, and authority compared to women. Women have less access to power and authority at work. Policymakers and supervisor make equal rules for them but women exercise less power than men. Aviolio (2009) results showed a significant difference in the effect sizes for leadership interventions conducted with all-male and majority-male participants versus all-female and majority-female participant studies. Bosak (2008) showed in their study that women perceive themselves less suitable for high positions because the perceived notion that they do not associated with masculine characteristics of men. Research has served as evidence for change. Major developments include formation of new associations and legislations. The Association for Womenââ¬â¢s Rights in Development purpose is to strengthen movements that advance womenââ¬â¢s rights and promote gender equality worldwide (AWID). The Equal Pay Act was signed into law by President John F. Kennedy in 1963 (EEOC). The Equal Pay Act was a law against reduction of wages that iscriminates due to sex. President Kennedy emphasized : ââ¬Å"Adds to our laws another enter the labor force they will find equality in their pay envelope. ââ¬Å"(EEOC) However, regardless of efforts it is clear that subtle biases of gender still contribute to discriminate against women in the workplace especially in male dominated workforce. Existential biases affect the prevalence of women in leadership, Job performance, and male dominated careers. It is important to understand underlying biases and factors in the work place that may hinder woman from reaching a state of equality among men in the workforce. Factors studied across genders in the workplace: leadership, power, and perceptions. Leadership and Power Let us first observe the two omnipresent notions that are leadership and power. It has long been understood and accepted albeit bias, that leadership and power are traits commonly associated with the male sex. Also, positions of power and of authority are linked to such generalizations. For example, this can be seen in the workplace where women are often segregated into professions that ultimately reduce the possibility of exercising autonomy and supervisory authority Oaffee, 1989). We see time and time again that women, when being considered for a position are subject to a bias comparison that subjugates their attempts at equality and fair judgment. The majority of the time the employers that are doing the considering prefer masculine gender characteristics to feminine characteristics (Goktepe Craig, 1989). In their study, Goktepe and Craig found that interpersonal attractiveness and sex role orientation are both associated with the emergent candidate for the position. In this, we can see that it is of the utmost importance to understand what influences he emergence of a leader and note any difference between genders. So persistent is this notion of a gender bias that even women themselves cannot escape acknowledging it and even falling susceptible to its ideas. We see this recurring problem in several common patterns, one being that of women feeling vulnerable and out of place because they have no female role model in a position of power to revere. This lack of stimuli results in a reduction in chances of women to take on a leadership role (Carbonell Castro, 2008). In Carbonell and Castroââ¬â¢s study we see when confronted with a female leader model, for more than half the time women ake the leadership position, but when faced with a male leadership model the results are underwhelming. And, the men in that study felt indifference when faced with either model, signifying a common acceptance of male superiority or dominance. Other studies have also supported this disparity of ideas concerning the similarity between women and managers. In a study conducted by Brenner , Tomkiewicz and Schein (1989), we observe that men perceive successful middle managers as having those characteristics, attitudes, and temperaments more commonly ascribed to men in general than to women in general. Although the omen in this study Judged both male and female characteristics equally viable, it was only a function of change in the perception of women in general rather than a change in the perceived requirements for managerial success or even any perceptions of men in general. In other words, what has been perceived as approved managerial characteristics in the past has not changed. What has changed is how forward in positive and equally thinking is in truth very misleading. Yes behaviors have changed but sadly male managers still hold onto their original attitudes which involve a skewed sense of what the proper qualifications may be. It seems that blind ignorance may also affect aspects of occupational labor in the workplace. In the study by Cann and Siegfried (1990), there is a strong indication that the behaviors people recognized as indicators of a successful leader included those that are viewed as feminine. Leaders must be ââ¬Å"behaviorally androgynous,â⬠they must have the flexibility to exhibit both male and female characteristics. Thus, effective leaders are those that can appease an assortment of demands, and yet we witness the constant reminder of a societal gender bias implicating female characteristics as weaker and even less desirable. One can only wonder why some choose to ignore a possible fine addition to a firm because of a commonly held notion of gender superiority. Presumed notions of gender superiority in leadership qualities can easily be ascertained from many studies that have been conducted in the past, involving commonly held societal beliefs. But, these same bias notions of leadership qualities can be enhanced by certain workplace organizational climates. The atmosphere in which business involving the hiring of future employees or any upper level position is conducted, can be greatly affected by the pressures that are applied during that time. In a study done by Katz (1987), when put into a discriminatory setting the test subjects preferred to hire males. In the same study test subjects were put into a nondiscriminatory setting and the results proved to be quite interesting, the preference levels were almost equal between male and female candidates. From this information we can gather that a significant catalyst for discriminatory thinking is in part caused by the organizational climate that someone is in. Currently, sexual discrimination and gender bias in the workplace is alive and well. It is a widespread problem that is inhibiting many womenââ¬â¢s rights and allowing or an unfair advantage for the opposite sex. Most of todays research concerning this notion is focused on investigating the debilitating effects that negative stereotypes have on the targets of said stereotypes (Hoyt Blalscovich, 2007). In order to move forward and overcome this bias and discrimination we must discover new avenues in which to employ a politically correct attitude towards those individuals of the fairer sex. Perceptions Understanding perceptions of society, focusing on perceptions of women in the workplace, helps increase understanding of the existent gap between genders at work. There are many factors that may contribute to the differentiation in treatment and appointment to leadership between genders in the workplace. Trentham, and Larwood (1998), examined the effects of power and willingness to discriminate in the workplace. Results show that people have a predisposition to discriminate against women. This study found that people in top positions of organizations had higher tendencies to discriminate against women than people with lower positions of authority. Individuals in power affect the disposition of a person of lower status to act in a discriminating manner often times going against own personal beliefs. The importance of this study is that biases exist against women due to perceived (1993) analyzes perceptions and attitudes of past events, and future measures implemented to reduce gap between genders in the workplace. Results show that men feel that past measures affected their careers more negatively, however both genders showed equal dissatisfaction with past measures. Men agreed with eliminating systemic barriers that limit advancement for women but where against preferential treatment. This clearly states that both gendrs have self interest in mind. Women want help to go up the ladder, men see that as a threat, therefore isapprove. Self interest conflicts held by men may hinder women from reaching equality in the workplace. Another study that looked at perceptions of leadership qualities in groups of similar gender was done by Prime, Jonsen, Carter, and Maznevski (2008). This study looked at managers perceived qualities associated with leadership and gender. The study hypothesized that the qualities associated with leaders was more prominent in men than in women. Results show that in women respondents perceived women as more effective than men in: planning and role modeling, providing intellectual stimulation, and problem solving. Men on the other hand attributed that men were better at delegating than female leaders. Both men and women perceived and stereotyped women leaders as being more competent in supporting. The study indicated that both genders were attributing more positive ratings to their gender than the opposing gender. This study indicates that self perceptions also affect beliefs of self and others in ability in the work place. Perceptions of the meaning of equality are different among individuals according to their self interest. Other studies examine perceptions of gender and leadership oncerns in the workplace over time. The study done by Koch, Loft, and Kruse (2005) takes a look at changes in perceptions of women in leadership. With an increase of women in leadership the study compares the amount of change in beliefs now to the beliefs held 20 years ago. Results showed a tendency for gender association that went along with social perceptions; men were associated with terms: hard, strong, and aggressive. Women were Judged as soft, sentimental, and delicate. Although data shows a shift towards associating women with leadership; it is not significant as the orrelation between men and leadership. Despite efforts to close the gap of inequality it still exists in positions of leadership, small shift seen of women in leadership, is not dismissed. Perceptions of femininity in leadership Johanson (2008) seeks to find if prior conceptions of leadership exist between genders in perceived: conception, structure, masculinity, femininity, androgyny, and overall leadership ability. Results support the hypothesis that leadership ratings were associated with masculinity and structure; the positive correlation between consideration and femininity was clearly supported. Leadership positively correlated with structure and not conception. The study indicates the importance of beliefs and associations of leadership without environment influence on perceived individual leadership style. This study proves that individuals still show a predominant belief that leadership is more closely associated with masculinity and structure than femininity and conception. Individuals overall continue to think of leadership as male oriented. For women characteristics associated with femininity are still not seen as positively affiliated with leadership characteristics. A study that demonstrates the effects of on the perceived suitability of women and men in leadership of failing or succeeding organizations. This study looks at the inequalities that women encounter when trying to advance in the workforce. The study hypothesized that women are appointed to leadership positions when risk of failure and criticism are high. Results show that in general women are preferred over male candidates. The results state that the male was selected over a female when the company performance was improving. Women where often selected as the suited individual to take a leadership position in a ompany that was declining. This study shows that there is a clear preference of men to successful companies. This may be due to perceptions and beliefs of the individuals who appoint leaders toa position. This study looked at the suitability of both men and women in a management position Ted H. Shore (1992). The study focused on the potential of performance in managerial positions by assessing cognitive ability, Job advancement, interpersonal and performance skills. Despite women rating higher than men on performance style dimensions, they received lower ratings in management potential. Management ratings of both genders were comparable. The study results serve as evidence of subtle gender bias within the workplace. Stating that despite higher performance rates in women the actual advancement in the Job is the same as men of lower performance rates. The study analyzes perceptions of womanââ¬â¢s interpersonal skills compared to men. Assessors deemphasized the fact that women outperformed men; giving more credit in interpersonal skills. A mismatch is perceived of women and attributes associated with management due to stereotypical and perceived views of women. Finally a tudy done by Wolf, and Fligsteing (2009)looks at factors that contribute to the unequal distribution of women compared to men in positions of authority focusing on education, experience, tenure, marriage, children, that help map how and why some individuals are in positions of authority. The study looks at composition of the workplace and situational beliefs of employers and women in notions of authority. The study assesses factors that influence Job characteristics and allocation of male/ female in authority. The study concluded that men are given more authority than women in the workplace. The importance of this study highlights factors like traditional gender roles, personal choices, and self perceptions that affect the prevalence of women in authority. Conclusion According to McTavish and Miller (2009) there are both pros and cons to the modernization agenda. Reform and structural change have led to greater opportunities for women. Reform and modernization in organizational procedures have led to somewhat gender friendlier environments. However, there are paradoxes in the modernization agenda. It seems like women have to conform to masculinist styles of management. Many of the reforms are actually leading to re-gendering of job roles and procedures. (McTavish and Miller, 2009, p. 361-362). In the article Womenââ¬â¢s Leadership Development Strategic Practices for Women and Organizations Hopkins, Oââ¬â¢Neil, Passarelli, and Bilimoria (2008) propose seven areas of leadership development practice along with recommendations in each of these categories for consultants and human resources professionals working with individual women and organizations. They state that leadership development positive outcomes at both the individual and organizational levels. They assert that esponsibility for developing the human, social, and political capital of women resides at the individual and the organizational levels. They also state that leadership development of women employees is a major business advantage to organizations. Also stressed is that principal importance must be placed on women feeling connected to the goals and objectives of the greater organization and conceptualizing a comprehensive picture of themselves as vital organizational partners. They also emphasize that consulting psychologists and human resources professionals have an essential role in helping women and organizations. They conclude that the assembly of leadership development that appreciates and addresses womenââ¬â¢s unique contributions will result in women fulfilling their individual potential and in organizational transformation, the two principal goals of effective, sustainable leadership development. How to cite Literatur review, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Ratio Analysis - Yum! Brands free essay sample
Yum! Brandsââ¬â¢ consolidated net profit margin lies within the industry average and for 2 years have shown slow yet steady growth. While sales from US operations declined by 5%, the company continued to gain momentum in China, where operating profit increased at an average of 26% year-on-year. Meanwhile, their Return on Assets fairs better than competitors such as McDonaldââ¬â¢s and Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza, showing that management efficiently manages its asset base. The companyââ¬â¢s efficiency can be seen in its Cash Conversion Cycle, with -49. 2 in 2009. This number is much lower from its competitors, which suggests a liquid working capital position. Yum generates sales from its inventory and cash from its sales at a faster rate than the time its pays its suppliers. This means that it utilizes the average 60-day period before it has to fully purchases with suppliers, giving them ââ¬Å"free cashâ⬠in principle. However, while this suggests less need to borrow, the company still received cash by issuing long-term debt in 2008 and 2009. We will write a custom essay sample on Ratio Analysis Yum! Brands or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Due to the nature of the business, on average, 56% of its total assets are fixed. And as Yum ventures into Asian countries, especially China and India, it allocates part of its cash to capital spending. However, in utilizing its fixed assets to generate sales, Yum scores lower compared to Wendyââ¬â¢s and McDonaldââ¬â¢s. This may be due to its focus on aggressively adding new stores, with 2008 and 2009 serving as introduction years, before sales can fully pick up.One could also note, however, that sales in the US and International Divisions (ex-China) have decreased from 2007 to 2009. The companyââ¬â¢s solvency, however, provides another story. As mentioned, Yum reported negative equity in 2008 mainly due to repurchase of sales. The company used its cash surplus to repurchase sales at a time when its stock price decreased, making it gain economic profits. This may also show the companyââ¬â¢s belief and commitment that the stock price will increase again, especially because of the surge in opportunities in China.In addition, it reported accumulated other comprehensive loss in 2008 and 2009. As stated in its 2008 annual report, this loss was attributable to a decline in the ââ¬Å"unrecognized funded statusâ⬠of U. S. pension plans and foreign currency translation adjustments brought by the strengthened position of the U. S. Dollar. What is alarming in this situation is that the company is riding on a debt level that is 30% higher than its competitors. Majority of its liabilities are long-term debt, with some maturing in 30 years.Moreover, its current ratio appears to be very much lower than its peers, due to its massive use of cash for buybacks, and which suggests increasing risks to the company. It is hence surprising to note that despite this, the company still continues to distribute dividends with an average payout ratio of 36% year-on-year. This then hints at a possibility that Yum is inflating its dividends to continue attracting investors, at the expense of paying their debt position. Source: YUM! Brands Annual Report 2008 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Course Outcomes Vietnamese Culture and Experiences
Course Outcomes Vietnamese Culture and Experiences Vietnamese culture and experience have evident distinctions from the American cultural environment in terms of history, perception, philosophy of life, and religion. Many historical periods reveals different encounters and challenges that Vietnamese people should overcome on the way to freedom and independence.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Course Outcomes: Vietnamese Culture and Experiences specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More While through different historical documents and fictional novels ââ¬â discussing the events of the mid 1960s and analyzing the fiction literature of the nineteenth century, it is possible to track the most important events happened in Vietnam, as well as define the main differences and peculiarities between the above-identified cultural identities. Thus, the readings reveal that Vietnamese people have deep affiliation to Chinese traditions, particularly to Confucian ideology. The y have also provided me with a better picture of how American and Vietnamese experiences are related. In the second half of the past century, the American and Vietnamese experiences crossed in the Cold War lasting for more than two decades. During this confrontation, both Americans and Vietnamese had to adjust to each to other customs and traditions to survive. At this time, Vietnamese people were facing significant challenges because of the discriminative policies held by both military parts, one of which was supported by the Americans (Halberstam 38). Difficulties were experience both the American people fighting in Vietnam and the civil people ââ¬â the residents of Vietnam. Though the experience exchange had negative consequences for both rivals, their cultural experiences were also related. The aspiration for Vietnamese people to struggle for freedom, as well as their extreme commitment to their country and traditions is brightly revealed in the diary written by a young doct or Dang Thuy Tram. A twenty-seven-year old woman was killed by American military forces during the Vietnam conflict. The diary can be regarded as a prism through it was possible to learn much about the devotion of the Vietnamese people to their families and friends, as well as experience horrors and pain of the war. Their dedication to freedom and desire to reach independence are at the core of the Vietnamese cultural and ethnical identity. At this point, Tram writes, ââ¬Å"Oh, my dearest ones in this land of Duc Pho, can anyone see my heart? The heart of a lonely girl filled with unanswered hopes and dreamsâ⬠(7). Emotionally colored and intensified, the diary fully conveys the hardships of those times.Advertising Looking for critical writing on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Struggles for freedom and social pressure are also similarly discussed in the eighteen century novel called Tale of K ieu written by Ngueyn Du. The story is closely associated with a classical Chinese period and reveals a difficult situation, as well as the role and place of women in society. Because, the novel is under the influence of Confucian philosophy, the author portrays the main heroine who has to sacrifice herself for the sake of other people she loves (Du, 16). Overall, the novel underscores the ideas of self-sacrifice and honor as the priority that the Vietnamese culture is based on. With regard to the reading, it is possible to make several important conclusions. From social and cultural perspective, the Vietnamese people had to overcome a great number of constraints on the way to independence and recognition. They prioritize the value of price, honor, and respect for their traditions and customs. Finally, the historic events in the mid 1960 disclose the peculiarities of social and economic conditions in the country. Du, Nguyen. The Tale Of Kieu, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983. Halberstam, David. The Making of a Quagmire. New York: Knopf, 1988. Print. Tram, Dang Thuy, Last Night I Dreamed Of Peace. Pham. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2007. Print.
Monday, March 2, 2020
How to Outline a Novel (Even If Outlining Makes You Sick)
How to Outline a Novel (Even If Outlining Makes You Sick) How to Outline a Novel (Even If Youââ¬â¢re Not an Outliner) I know what youââ¬â¢re thinking: How does the author of nearly 190 books, two-thirds of them novels, get off telling me ââ¬Å"How to Outline a Novelâ⬠when heââ¬â¢s on record as a non-outliner himself? Hey, not only that, but we non-outliners have a name! We call ourselves Pantsers. Okay, so itââ¬â¢s not that creative. It just means we write by the seat of our pants. We could just as easily be known as No-Netters, like high wire walkers or trapeze artists who work without safety nets. And itââ¬â¢s not like weââ¬â¢re some crazy offshoot, like the cousins you never talk about. We make up about half of all novelists, and there are some famous mega-bestselling types among us. Does the name Stephen King strike a familiar tone? Why couldnââ¬â¢t we just be known as members of the Stephen King School of Fiction Writing? Need help writing your novel?Click here to download my ultimate 12-step guide. Which Are You- Outliner or Pantser? Itââ¬â¢s a good thing to determine early, you know. Youââ¬â¢ll save yourself a lot of agony, starts and stops, frustration. Thereââ¬â¢s enough of that in novel writing already. No sense adding more when you donââ¬â¢t have to. Now, trust me, whichever you are- Outliner or Pantser- youââ¬â¢re often going to wish you were the other. Itââ¬â¢s just like people with curly or straight hair. The curlies are always trying to straighten theirs, and the straights are always trying to curl theirs. Human nature, I guess. When I hit the wall at the halfway to three-quarter mark for just about every novel, I yearn for a tidy outline that tells me where to go next. But down deep I know better. Story outlines just donââ¬â¢t work for me. Somehow, when I plot the story out in advance, things get predictable. Plus, the organic nature of a story always has its way with me and the characters wind up taking over. Theyââ¬â¢re cantankerous sorts and never let me put words in their mouths or take the fork in the road I think they ought to. Go Where the Process Takes You The aforementioned Mr. King says, ââ¬Å"Try to put interesting characters in difficult situations and write to find out what happens.â⬠How fun is that? I live for it. Itââ¬â¢s writing by process of discovery, and for me- and any Pantser- itââ¬â¢s the only way that works. I grew up on television. Maybe thatââ¬â¢s why Iââ¬â¢m an intuitive plotter, and my stories tend to have beginnings, middles, and ends. It doesnââ¬â¢t always feel that way while itââ¬â¢s happening, and sometimes I wonder why things are happening the way they are, but things always seem to come together and work out. Be What You Are Now, if youââ¬â¢re an Outliner and you try writing by the seat of your pants, youââ¬â¢ll soon know youââ¬â¢ve made a mistake. If youââ¬â¢re not an intuitive plotter, your story will be all over the place, your rabbit trails will take you to parts of the forest you have no business in, and youââ¬â¢ll never find your way back. Youââ¬â¢re one or the other, so decide and stake your claim. Neither is better, neither is right or wrong- unless you choose the opposite of what you are. Then youââ¬â¢re not going to be happy till you switch. The Ultimate Novel Outliner If youââ¬â¢re an Outliner and want to jump in with both feet or dive in headfirst or whatever clichà © you choose to apply, you canââ¬â¢t do better than to tap into the very strange and wonderful mind of my friend, Dr. Randy Ingermanson. Whoââ¬â¢s he, you ask? Only the Sheldon Cooper of novelists. Literally (and I use that term literally). On The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon has a masters degree and two doctoral degrees. Randy got his M.A. and Ph.D. in physics, specializing in elementary particle theory. He also did two years of post-graduate work on superstring theory. Somehow he now applies his intellect to the science of novel writing and teaching novel writing, and he is the story outline extraordinaire. If youââ¬â¢re an Outliner, go to his site and check out his Snowflake Method of outlining your novel, and also invest in his Writing Fiction for Dummies. But You Said I know! I was going to tell you how to outline your novel even if youââ¬â¢re not an outliner. If youââ¬â¢re not an outliner, you need to stay at least 100 yards from Randy Ingermanson. Heââ¬â¢d tell you that himself. He doesnââ¬â¢t even want my business! Randy agrees that Outliners are Outliners and Pantsers are Pantsers, and never the twain shall meet. If youââ¬â¢re a Pantser, donââ¬â¢t try to be an Outliner. Then How Am I Supposed to Okay, hereââ¬â¢s how. No oneââ¬â¢s saying that just because youââ¬â¢re not an Outliner you should simply sit at the keyboard and wait till magic happens. It doesnââ¬â¢t go that way. At least it never has for me- although some critics may disagree. Though you may not have an outline per se, obviously you must have an idea or you have no business in that chair. I repeat: donââ¬â¢t go to the keyboard with nothing to say. Come with an idea! Be able to state it in one sentence. Tell me what your story is about. My first novel was about a judge who tried a man for a murder that the judge had committed. I had to have at least that much or I would have sat there all day twiddling my thumbs. Now, if youââ¬â¢re an Outliner, Randy Ingermanson will have you inventing characters with names and backgrounds and virtually blueprinting your story before you keyboard ââ¬Å"Chapter 1.â⬠As a Pantser, my thought was, come up with a couple of character names, put ââ¬Ëem on stage, and start telling the story of that judge. Letââ¬â¢s see what happens. It sure wonââ¬â¢t be predictable to the reader, because I donââ¬â¢t even know whatââ¬â¢s coming. And if a reader writes to demand why I killed off some favorite character, I can say, ââ¬Å"Hey, I write by process of discovery. I didnââ¬â¢t kill them off, I found ââ¬Ëem dead.â⬠Then What Did You Mean by ââ¬ËNovel Outliningââ¬â¢? That there is a basic story structure that works whether you have a novel outline or youââ¬â¢re writing by the seat of your pants, and it looks like this, according to bestseller Dean Koontz: 1- Plunge your main character into terrible trouble as soon as possible. (That trouble will mean something different depending on your genre. For a thriller it might be life-threatening. For a romance it might mean choosing between two suitors.) 2- Everything your character does to try to get out of the trouble makes it only worse. 3- Eventually things appear hopeless. 4- Finally, everything your character has learned through all that trouble gives him what he needs to personally conquer the opposition. Thatââ¬â¢s a structure that will keep you- and your reader- engaged and insured against boredom. And thatââ¬â¢s how to outline a novel, whether youââ¬â¢re an Outliner or a Pantser. Need help writing your novel?Click here to download my ultimate 12-step guide. So, which are you, an Outliner or a Pantser, and what will you do next?
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Achieving Food Security in Saudi Arabia with Sustainable Foreign Research Paper
Achieving Food Security in Saudi Arabia with Sustainable Foreign Direct Investment - Research Paper Example The climate of the country is very hot dry in summer and mild cold in winter. The country is blessed to have the biggest oil reserve in on earth, offering its citizens high living standards to enjoy a comfortable living. Nevertheless, the water resources in the country are insignificant making it very hard to the government to be independent in agriculture particularly with the fast population increase. As Saudi Arabia was always relies on imported food, it is untrustworthy particularly with todayââ¬â¢s politics between laws and countries. In addition, Saudi Arabia cannot spend in local agriculture because of water shortages. Therefore, Saudi Arabia sought to put their funds in foreign nations for agriculture. A lot of these investments in deprived nations are not sustainable because of extreme poverty, bad infrastructure and political unsteadiness in some nations particularly in Africa which can put Saudiââ¬â¢s agricultural investment at a high risk. This study is rooted in pr evious analysis and studies, which were carried out in the field of food security in Saudi Arabia through looking at significant academic resources on the topic of FDI, and some cases concerning agricultural investments in deprived nations, which specified on the matter of neo-colonialism and land grabbing. This article investigates agricultural investments overseas and its objective to make agricultural investments further sustainable. It can be used by agricultural bodies and investors to evaluate the risk of FDI in agriculture and also give solutions concerning sustainability to grant food security. This article is split into eight parts. First, it will talk about the global food crisis. Secondly, it will talk about the food security in Saudi Arabia. Thirdly, it will talk about the concept of FDI and its uses on agriculture. Fourthly, it will talk about the challenges of FDIs. Fifth, it will discuss Neocoloniasm and then the Negative aspects of FDI. Finally, it will give the reco mmendations as per the findings along with the conclusion. Global Food Security Over one billion individuals, almost a sixth of the globeââ¬â¢s populace, suffer from chronic (severe) hunger (Heady & Fan, 2010). It is a disaster with devastating and extensive effects. Lack of food weakens the immune system and also slows down a childââ¬â¢s development. 50% of all cases of childrenââ¬â¢s death are caused by hunger (Heady & Fan, 2010). Under nutrition, as well as chronic hunger, mainly arises from widespread poverty. Individuals who are poor cannot afford to buy food. Hungry households use more than half of their income to purchase the food they require to survive with. Food cannot travel from excess to shortage areas across and within a country due to barriers at the border, poor roads, as well as checkpoints along the way (Heady & Fan, 2010). Without adequate food, grownups struggle to work and children, on the other hand, endeavor to learn, making sustainable financial deve lopment tough to attain. The global society normally uses the phrase "food security" to explain not just the availability of food, but also the capability of purchasing food. Food security refers to having a dependable source of food and adequate resources to buy it. A family is regarded to be food-secured when its members do not live in fear of starvation or hunger. Guarantying worldwide food security will only become more complex in the future as the need for food is projected to go up by 50% over the next two decades (Heady &
Sunday, February 2, 2020
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 3 - Essay Example Due to the intervention of numerous regulatory bodies and the outbreak of various accounting standards which guide the management in their financial reporting and disclosure requirements, the length of the financial statements has drastically increased. The accounting policies, treatments and disclosures are being formulated in order to meet the requirements of modern accounting and to provide the shareholder and other users a better understanding. (Li, 2005) It has been observed that the public companies, as compared to private companies, extend the size of the annual reports beyond the regulatory and other standard requirements as the standards do not provide the maximum limit for any particular disclosure. The annual report includes certain areas which are purely judgmental and are left for the directors to comment such as the area of ââ¬Å"Going Concern assumptionâ⬠. The directors use this are to comment on the going concern of the company and illustrate the going concern by shedding light on numerous reasons why they assume the company is a going concern. (Holmes 2008) One of the foremost causes of the detailed and lengthy annual report is the demand for detailed and lengthy information set forth by the requirements of the Accounting standards and the regulatory bodies. These disclosures include the detailed disclosure of the remuneration of directors, pattern of shareholding and structure of committees. International Accounting Standard I requires a disclosure of the summary of significant accounting policies. These disclosures usually remain untouched year after year, including the copying of policies from the IFRS or descriptive financial statements. These disclosures easily take up to eight pages or even more. There is a regulatory requirement for the company to include a directorsââ¬â¢ report based on their view on the financial statements of the company. This report is used by the directors to shed some light on the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Essay --
Melyssa Arner Scott Robinson Western Civilization II 18 February 2014 1. Analyze and evaluate the life of Martin Luther and his influence on the Reformation. Before bringing about the Reformation, Martin Luther started out his life in Saxony.He was raised by a strict father who wished for his son to become a lawyer. Instead of achieving this, Martin Luther, due to a promise to St. Anne, became a man of the cloth. Those above Lutherââ¬â¢s station later enrolled him into the faculty of the university in Wittenburg. It would be at Wittenburg that Luther would change the way of the church, later to be called the Reformation. Luther believed that faith was a way of salvation, which became known as the ââ¬Å"justification by faithâ⬠. Martin Luther also began to question the clergy of the church, who made the public pay for indulgences in order for their souls to be freed. Due to his beliefs being ignored, Luther created his ââ¬Å"Ninety-five Thesesâ⬠. Through these theses, Lutherââ¬â¢s beliefs spread throughout the lands of Germany. His ideals about the church passed onto the German people and his acts would later influence the happenings of the Reformation. 2. List and discuss the various religious wars in Europe in the 1500s and 1600s concluding with the Thirty Years War. King Philip II of Spain was a strong supporter of Catholicism. He controlled not only Spain, but also the Netherlands, Southern Italy, and Burgundy. His wife, Mary, was the queen of England. The two of them worked to bring England back to Catholicism but many people were against this. When Mary passed, Elizabeth took the throne and Protestantism was more accepted.Angry with this, Philip sent an armada of ships to attack in 1588. The English ships were sent to defend and Spain was forced... .... The Native Americans were not the only ones to be effected by colonization in the New World. The inhabitants of Africa had their world changed when Europe decided to venture to the New World. While the Native Americans were pushed from their land, the Africans were taken away from theirs. The Europeans needed another set of hands to perform labor and the Africans played this part. Even though Africans could be linguists and guides for the white people, they were mostly used for housework and as farm hands. Africans were forced into slavery and owned by the Europeans. Similar to the Native Americans, the Africans were forced to convert to Christianity. Their religious views were not allowed in the New World. The Africans were not only forced to convert to Christianity but also their way of life. Africans had to dress and speak like the Europeans in order to survive.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Family and Tough Times
1. Why are communities important to families during tough times? Communities are important because as a whole they help each other out through bad times, & look out for one another kind of like a family. They are almost like a support group who try to help you the best way that they can whether itââ¬â¢s giving or selling inexpensive items ââ¬â cooking a free meal, etc. 2. How can parents help children understand the changes that families experience during tough times?Explaining the situation is a start , telling your child a positive such as we will be able to spend more time together is one , & just reiterating that we wonââ¬â¢t be able to spend a lot of money & the more we can get for less the better. Although, stating that this is not their fault & reassuring them that everything will be okay. 3. How can losing a job or having a change in the economic status of the family affect a parent? A lot, not only just income but it could take a toll on the familyââ¬â¢s mood. T his also could cut back on a lot of going on out which means more staying at home.Also, struggling to pay bills & feed your family, the stress of it all. 4. Can positive aspects come out of tough times for families? Why or why not? Yes, it can show families how to be there for each other through rough times & how to grow closer. 5. What do you think the families in the video are doing well in terms of dealing with tough times? They are pointing out the positives & finding solutions to accommodate such a drastic change. 6. What do you think you would do as a parent if you were faced with one of the situations presented in the video? I would try to keep positive too & just try to find a solution till I got back on my feet.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Charles England France
Sample details Pages: 15 Words: 4631 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category History Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? HIP 1: Charles VII- King of France In this episode, the focus is on Charles VII, the King of France from 1422 till his death. He was born on February 22, 1403 as the fifth son to Charles VI. He was referred to as the well-served or the victorious. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Charles England France | History Dissertations" essay for you Create order Prior to his ascendancy into the kingship, he was opposed by Henry VI of England who had ruling servants in parts of Paris. His success was questioned by the English. However, his crowning in 1429 was quite famous thanks to the wishes of John-of-Arc to set the French free from English occupation. Charles VII had to flee in May 1418 after a battalion of Duke of Burgindy (John) tried to capture Paris. He attempted a diplomatic reconciliation a year later to the Duke. This failed and he had to make a follow up on the bridge of Montreau. In the final meeting, his men set upon the unsuspecting duke and killed him. He is reported to have been oblivious of this. However, his involvement was later questioned. This furthered the mistrust between his family and the Dukeââ¬â¢s. His adolescence was a mark of bravery. I led an army against the English but suffered humiliation when he once had to withdraw against Henry V. His parents were not pleased and lashed at me for being a failing h eir to the throne. In the thick of this controversy, Charles fled to the Queen Yolande of the Four Kingdoms of Aragon to whose daughter, Marie, he got married. An important factor that led to his success was his support for the powerful and the wealthy family of his wife, Marie. His greatest love was his mistress. He was later crowned king after the battle at Patay on the 17th of July, 1429. He recaptured Paris and later all French territories, save for Port Calais.â⬠Later, his reign saw a bitter struggle from his son, Louis, who became the owner of the throne as Louis VI. Although his kingship was overshadowed by the Martyrdom of his mother-in-law, Joan of Arc, he was largely credited for the success of the French Kingdom. Charles VII died on July, 22 1461. HIP 2: Juan de Quevedo Juan de Quevedo- Spanish-Franciscan- was born in Barcelona on 24th December, 1519. She was appointed bishop of Santa Maria at Antigua by Pope Leo X at the request of King Ferdinand becoming the first bishop on the mainland of America. I embarked at San Lucar with Padrarias Davila, then the governor of Darien. I soon found working with Pedrarias unbearable because of his acts of cruelty to Indians and rivals. The beheading of Vasco Nunez of Balboa who had discovered Pacific Ocean broke into a misunderstanding between the two of us. Charges were brought against me for violating understandings, accumulating wealth and a neglect on Indians. These accusations were never established and therefore I turned to seeking audience from Spain presenting two notifications to King Charles against Padrarias and for reducing powers of all the Governors of the New found World for better protection of the natives. These notifications were countersigned by Las Casas. The developments may have de moralized the bishop who soon fell sick and died at Barcelona. However Quevedoââ¬â¢s championship for the Native Americans, his involvement and views were adulterated by his insistence that the aborigines were men impossible to instruct or transform unless they were lumped in caucuses or missionary centers and continually supervised. Works Cited Hanawalt, Barbara. The Middle Ages: An Illustrated History. Taylor, Alinne, Isabel of Burgundy Module 2 Gonzalo Fernà ¡ndez de Oviedo y Valdà ©s Gonzalo was born Fernà ¡ndez Oviedo in August 1478 in Madrid of a dignified Asturian decency and schooled in the backyard of Ferdinand, was a writer and a historian. By the age of thirteen, he was contact to their non heir son, Juan. He was in attendance at the siege at Granada, and there witnessed Christopher Columbus prior to his expedition to the North Americas. When Juan died in (October 1497, Oviedo left for Italy, and there he was escritoire to Fernandez de Cordoba. By 1514 he had been chosen supervisor of gold-smelting in Santo Domingo. When he returned to Spain in 1523, he became a historiographer of Indies. He went to America five more times before his death in 1557. Oviedos first writing was a romance in Chivalric entitled ââ¬Å"Libro del muy esforzado e invencible caballero Don Claribalteâ⬠meaning ââ¬Å"Book of the very striving and invincible knight Don Claribaltâ⬠published in Valencia in 1519. In the foreword, he relates conceiving the work while in S anto Domingo. This indicates that his first literary piece of work was formulated in the ââ¬Å"New Worldâ⬠. Even though the work was in dispersed style, it contained curious information obtained first hand. The incomplete edition was widely published in English by Eden in 1555 and in French by Poleur in 1556 respectively. Las Casas described it as containing almost as many lies as pages. He put the most favorable construal on the dealings of his countrymen. Though, with a bias to his country, which was quite obvious, his narrative is both trustworthy and appealing. Through his book, first the Europeans and then the world, learnt about the tobacco, hammock, and the pineapple. This is because they were used by Native Indians that he met. He was placed to head the Fortaleza in the Santo Domingo. A large statue of him given to Dominicans by the Spanish King still stands there. In his other publications, he sets out to write gossips about eminent colleagues. These old-fash ioned, moralizing anecdote collections were first produced in Madrid. Works cited Agustà n G. de Amezà ºa. Introduction to the facsimile reprint of Libro de Claribalte by the Spanish Royal Academy, Madrid, 1956 Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Eleventh Edition article Gonzalo Oviedo Y Valdes, During early 17th century colonization in North America the lifestyles of the Englishmen had varied enormously in the Northern region. The variation in New England and Southern or Northern lives were registered in their social lives, economic activities, as well as their systems of governance. Colonial societies in New England were formed on the basis of freedom in family and religion which were stable. New England immigrants came into N. America as families with a tag of longevity and conglomerating together. There were few diseases and thus populations surged. Samuel de Champlain Samuel Champlain, born on 25th December 1567 and who became known as the Father of New France was came from a protestant family in the Saintonge Province. He made a journey from the Port town of Brouage on the west coast of France, sojourned into Canada before meeting his death in 1635 in Quebec. A sailor, he also came to be respected as a talented navigator, a cartographer, and the founder of Quebec City. Champlain was instrumental in opening North America to trade with the French. This trade majored in fur. He would spend many years in managing and explorations in North America and then back to France to collect more funds through lobbying, publishing and reporting on his findings in the New world. These activities were instrumental for further explorations and subsequent colonization. Champlain was tolerant and his first name (Samwel) was an indication of belonging to a non catholic. The name was not usually given to Catholic children. On his first arrival, he created the St Lawrence River Map. He was then asked by Henry IV to make a comprehensive report on his discoveries. He joined other expeditions and helped found, the protestant settlement at the Saint Croix Island. He was forced to endure a harsh winter in the new settlement that necessitated the abandonment of the island come spring. He relocated the settlers to up at the Fundy coast of Nova Scotia in Port Royal where he set camp until 1607when he later decided to explore the Atlantic coast. Between 1605 and 1606, he explored a land, now Cape Cod but was met by skirmishes from resident. The Monomoyick Indians discouraged him from the idea that prompted him to name the place as Port Fortune. In the summer of 1609, he changed tact and tried better relations with the First Nations. He formed working alliances with the Wendat. (The French called them the Huron) and the Algonquin, the Montagnais and the Etchemin, who required Champlain to help them in their war with the Iroquois at the south. In this, he was able to map Lake Champlain. In the proceeding wars, Champlain killed some Iroquois who fled. This was the stage for the French- Iroquois relationship that spanned the next one hundred years. He returned to France shortly but was back with the Hurons. He went into war again with the Iroquois but due to premature attacks, they were defeated. He sustained injuries, healed up and decided to learn the country. He wondered into hunting and got lost. He bumped into a bunch of Indians by chanced. He spent a couple of months learning their ways and customs and manners. He was however back in Quebec in 1616, came back to New France in 1620 but as an administrator for the rest of his life. He died of stroke in 1635 leaving no heirs. Works cited Dalton, Roy. The Jesuit Estates Question 1760-88, p. 60. University of Toronto Press, 1968. Morris, Bishop. Samuel de Champlain: The Life of Fortitude (New York: Knopf, 1948), 6-7. Samuel Eliot Morison, Samuel de Champlain: Father of New France (Little Brown, 1972) Champlain: the Birth of French America. ed. McGill-Queens University Press, 2004. Biography at the Dictionary of Canadian Biography Module 4 FOCUS: African, Euro-American and Native American cultures in North America had intermingled for about two centuries by the 1700s and their experience with one another wrought significant changes to their ideas and practice of political power and economic endeavor. As you discuss your bio profile for this historical period, concentrate on their opinion/contribution to this concept of innovation and adaptation to a uniquely American colonial partnership and interaction (whether they realized it was different or just the way of things). Questions to consider in your post: How did the people of this period deal with issues of political authority and power? Who had it, who wanted it and who was arguing over it and why? What role did this person play in the colonial mercantilist policy and earning a living/survival? How were they affected by mercantile policy (or not) and what impact did this have for their own experience as well as the success or failure of their community (the latter will vary depending on which HIP group you are in) For this period, your person has to be confined to 1700-1799, preferably before the 1780s (thats the 18th century), and realistically a person who contributions/perspective would fit in terms of the questions posed. By this time, the person needs to be living in North America, by birth, naturalization or work status, but cannot be someone overseas commenting on the American situation. John Adams John Adams Jr. was born in 29th October 1735 to John Boylston and Susan Boylston in Braintree, Massachusetts. He was the eldest of Boylston Adamsââ¬â¢ sons. His father is a descendant immigrant from Barton, St David in Somerset England. His mother descended from the Boylstons of Brookline. He was born to a humble family, but he felt the need to live according to the heritage of his family as the founders of Puritans who immigrated into America in 1630and thereafter established a colonial type of presence in America By the time of his birth, the Puritan dogma no longer swayed people, and most of their heritage melted away. John, however ââ¬Å"considered them bearers of freedom, a cause that still had a holy urgency.â⬠This was a value system he held so dear and was not about to leave. He went to Harvard College at the age of sixteen. His father had high expectations of him being a minister but he doubted himself. After graduation, he taught shortly in Worcester aft er which he decided to become a lawyer. He studied in a prominent lawyer, James Putnamââ¬â¢s office. He developed a guise for writing descriptions of events and impressions of people which are scattered in his memoirs. This assisted him as a lawyer. For example, the Otisââ¬â¢s argument, one of his reported cases, inspired him zealously for the American colonies. Adams married Abigail Smith in 1764. Abigael was the daughter of Minister, Reverend William Smith of Weymouth. One of their children was the future president John Quincy. His influence was derived from his work as a lawyer and was dedicated to republicanism that then embraced the mercantile policy. He found his contentiousness to constrain him politically. He authored the ââ¬Å"Declaration of Independenceâ⬠in 1776. He was one of the most influential founding fathers. He became the first Vice President and second President of the United States and was first to have lived in white house after its completion in 1800. He sponsored the American Revolution (Massachusetts). Adams represented the congress in Europe and became a good negotiator of the peace treaty with the former colony, Great Britain. His advocacy for money market in Amsterdam became a driving innovation tat necessitated the success of the revolution. He founded an accomplished lineage of diplomats, politicians and historians. He became prominent as a crusader against the Stamp Act in 1765. From this time on Americans gathered for deliberations on governance documents writing of the constitution. The Massachusetts new constitution of 1780 was largely his brainchild and structured largely his views on politics and society. Debate and experiential pressures abandoned the classical conception in politics that equated the government to a mirror of social entity. The new concept was the popular sovereignty that was synonymous to people power. Adams did not engage in slave trade and decided to employ slaves for their labor. He spoke against it and struggled to entrench in bills, their emancipation. In his presidency, he stressed the embracement of civic virtue and was free from scandals. His presidency was marked with intense debates o foreign policy. The republicans favored the British while the Democrats favored the France in the British-French war. During his tenure as president, the Neutralization Act, the Alien Act, The Alien Enemies Act and the Sedition Act were passed in response to his foreign policy that were meant to suppress the republican opposition John Adams remains the longest-lived person ever elected to both of the highest offices in the United States. He was raised as a Congregationalist. He later became a Unitarian. He also embraced deism and had beliefs in the fundamental goodness of creation but not in the divinity of Jesus Christ or in the belief that God intervened in individual lives. He advocated the separation between the church and the state. He strove for a kind of rel igion based on common intuition and reason. He was against, in his opinion, the claim of supremacy by the Catholic Church. Works cited Adams, John, Diary and Autobiography of John Adams,L.H. Butterfield, Editor.(Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1961.) Brown, Ralph A. The Presidency of John Adams, 1988 Adams, C.F. The Works of John Adams, with Life (10 vols. Boston, 1850ââ¬â1856) Oliver Ellsworth Oliver Ellsworth was born on 29th 1745 in Windsor to Captain David Ellsworth and Jemima Leavitt Ellsworth. He enrolled at Yale in 1762 but later transferred to Princeton during his second year. He studied theology and got his degree in two years time. Ellsworth, however, turned to law. He got admitted to the bar in 1771 and became very successful in law. By 1773, Ellsworth had married Abigail Wolcott. She was the daughter of Abigail and William Wolcott. They had a total of nine children. Oliver became a revolutionist against British rule. He helped draft the United States Constitution. He was later to be a Chief Justice of the United States. One of his notable contributions to federal legislation was the motion of 1787 made by which moved that the government be called a National Government. Ellsworth opposed this successfully to retain the name the ââ¬Å"United States Governmentâ⬠, as it had been since the Declaration of Independence in 1776. In 1777, Oliver became Hart ford Countyââ¬â¢s Connecticuts state attorney. He was also chosen the as a representative at the Continental Congress. He was very active during the Revolution and served as committee member at the Pay table. He joined the Appelas committee, the forerunner for the Federal Supreme Court. During this service, one of the notable cases was that of Olmstead that brought conflict between state and federal authority. He worked in the constitutional Convention in Philadelphia along with William Samwel Johnson Roger Sherman having participated in the barring of judicial review and later in having implemented it in the Judiciary Act of 1789. During the proceedings, he proposed the use of ââ¬Å"United Statesâ⬠to identify the nation in order to maintain sustain the weight on a joint federation as opposed to a single national entity. In the next three weeks, (30th May 1787) Edmund Randolph moved to form a national government encompassing supreme legislative arm , an executive arm an d a judiciary arm of government which Ellsworth accepted . Ellsworth was for the Three Fifths Compromise on the enumeration of slaves. He defended slavery to be within state authority which was permitted by the Constitution. He served in the senate of federal government where his service was from 1789 to 1796. During this time the federal government was granted much authority that was rejected because its misuse could be used to rebuff the Constitution during State Ratifying Conventions. On ending the conventions, Ellsworth was able to render the sovereignty of the federal government justifiable, but through judicial evaluation instead of congressional appraisal. When the Judiciary Act was adopted, he sponsored the Senates reception and acceptance of the Bill of Rights advocated for in the House of Representatives. This combination of Judiciary Act and the Bill of Rights rendered the Constitution ââ¬Å"toothy, a situation that had not been contained in the Articles of Conf ederation. This guaranteed the sovereignty of the federal government whereas the Bill of Rights ensured the protection of both states and citizens from the misuse of this dominion by the federal government. These two acts thus counterbalanced each other. In his later life, Ellsworth became too generous to Napoleon. This provoked indignation from Americans. He got ill as a result of traveling across the Atlantic. His Federalist Party fell into disarray and was defeated by Republican Party. Ellsworth retired from public life in 1801. He was later to serve on the Connecticut Governors Council until his death Windsor. He died in 1807 and was buried in the cemetery of the First Church of Windsor. Works cited The Life of Oliver Ellsworth, William Garrott Brown, 1905repr. by Da Capo Press, 1970. The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, ed. by Max Farrand, 4 vols. Yale University Press, 1911, 1966. James Madisons Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787, James Brown Scott, Oxford University Press, 1918. James Madison, Jr James Madison, one of the founding fathers of the US and the fourth president and also considered the father of the US constitution, was born on 16th march 1751 and was the eldest of James Madison Senior and Eleanor Rose Conwayââ¬â¢s twelve children. He spent most of his childhood at the tobacco plantations of his father at Orange County in Virginia. He attended the Church of England which was the state religion of Virginia, then. Madison married Dolley Payne Todd September 1794, seventeen years younger who was attractive and vivacious. She is largely credited for inventing the First Lady as a political adviser to the president. They however, did not have children. He was the shortest and lightest president having been 5 4 tall and about100 Lbs. he was the last of the founding fathers to die. In politics, his distinctive belief was that the new country needed checks and balances to regulate special interests or factions. He was a fighter against aristocracy and public corrupt ion that were the hallmark of republicanism. He worked with President George Washington during his congress stint to promote federalism in government. He opposed the Aliens and Seditions Acts. As president, he led the War in1812 against Great Britain to protect the US economic rights. This was marred by defeats but that ended on a high note with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent. This was followed by the new spirit of nationalism which swept the country. During this time, he reversed many of his decisions and ended up supporting second National Bank, strong army and high tariffs to protect factories established during the war. He advocated a new constitution to overcome divisiveness in the country. His three-branch system of federal governance is the basis of the constitution today. Madison was shy but most outspoken members of the Congress. He looked forward to a strong federal system of governance with powers to overrule actions of the states deemed mistaken. This he found fulfilling in the role of the Supreme Court in championing this course. As the Federalist Party collapsed, the Era of Good Feeling emerged with lower levels of political fear. Political contention however continued. Madison left the presidency a poorer man than when he entered, due to the steady financial collapse of his plantation. Works Cited Brant, Irving. James Madison, 6 vols. Bobbs-Merrill, 1941ââ¬â1961. Ketcham, Ralph. James Madison: A Biography. Macmillan, 1971. Rakove, Jack N., ed. James Madison, Writings, Library of America, 1999 James Madison, Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 Reported by James Madison (W.W. Norton, 1987 James M. Smith, ed. The Republic of Letters: The Correspondence between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, 1776ââ¬â1826. 3 vols.W.W. Norton,1995. Walter Forward Walter Forward was born in January 24th, 1786. He was a lawyer and a politician. He attended the common schools after moving with his father to Aurora. He studied law and was in the bar by 1806. He was elected into the congress in 1822 and later reelected in the 18th congress and to the 19th congress. In March 1841, he was appointed by President William Harrison to be the first comptroller of the Treasury. He served here till September 1841. The Independent Treasury System of 1840 repealed the position of 13th Secretary of the Treasury. Funds were deposited once more with commercial banks. Forward took office and was asked by Millard Fillmore, the chairman of the committee of House Ways and Means to work out a plan to amplify the tariff as a response to the decrease in revenue as a result of the Panic during 1837. This includes development of a plan for a Board of Exchequer to help in disbursement of disburses customs revenue. A protective tariff was passed. Due to constant f riction with the president, he was forced to leave the cabinet in February 1843. Walter embraced the economics and democracy of the Jacksonian democracy with philosophies as expanded suffrage where voting rights were more important and were expanded throughout the country; the manifest destiny, patronage or the spoils system, favored federal governance and most importantly, the laissez faire economics. This was a hands-off approach that was strongly advocated by William Leggett in New York City. The argument was that the governmentââ¬â¢s control in economic activities was likely to favor groups with special privileges which were unfavorable to the common man. Between 1819 and 1837 the nation experienced a great acceleration in economic growth. It was a great westward expansion, enhanced mechanization in production and both modern domestic and international markets. There was a shift to nonagricultural economy where there was reduction in agricultural activities. There was terr itorial specialization overall increased productivity. Eastern capital investment improved as a result of western industrial expansion. The economies grew up as a deliberate political act focusing on forming larger markets and continued growth of the economy of the early republic. Forwardââ¬â¢s stewardship at the helm of treasury speeded up this Jacksonian economy. Works cited Schob, David E.; Hired Hands and Ploughboys: Farm Labor in the Midwest 1815-1860, University of Illinois Press, 1975. Sharp, James R.; The Jacksonians Versus the Bank, Columbia University Press, 1970. Taylor, George R.; The Transportation Revolution 1815-1860, Harper Torchbook, 1951. Stephen Arnold Douglas Born in Brandon, Stephen Douglas came to Illinois in 1833, as a teacher. He studied law before settling in Jacksonville. He is on record to have told his relatives, I have become a Western man, have embraced Western feelings principles and interests and have selected Illinois as the favorite place of my adoption. His nickname Little Giant was because he was short but good in politics. He was a capable party leader. He was skillful in debate and legislation. When President James Buchanan tried attempted to pass a Federal slave code against the wishes of the people of Kansas, he was instrumental in its defeat describing it as undemocratic. He was deeply religious and loved higher education. He founded the Chicago Baptist Seminary. Douglas defended the doctrine enhancing popular sovereignty to promote democracy and remove slavery from politics. He disagreed with Abraham Lincoln on this topic on legal, moral and economic arguments on slavery. He did not think of slaveholdin g as witty but as a barrier to free society. Douglas died at Chicago as a result of typhoid on 3rd June 1861 and was buried on the Shore of Michigan Lake. Works Cited Capers, Gerald M. Stephen A. Douglas: Defender of the Union.1959 Clinton, Anita Watkins. Stephen Arnold Douglas His Mississippi Experience Journal of Mississippi History 1988 50(2): 56-88. Stevenson, James A. Lincoln vs. Douglas over the Republican Ideal American Studies 1994 35(1): 63-89 Zarefsky, David. Lincoln, Douglas, and Slavery: in the Crucible of Public Debate U. of Chicago Press, 1990. 309 pp Module 10 Henry Clay, Sr. Henry Clay born on 12th April 1777 was the seventh of nine children. His father Baptist minister, was Rev. John Clay (also called Sir John) died four years into his birth. He left Henry, his brothers, two slaves for each and his wife eighteen slaves and 464acres. Son, his mother married Captain Henry Watkins with whom he bore another nine children. Clay had his elementary education from Peter Deacon who was a British teacher. He was hired as a shop attendant in Richmond. He was raised by a boyââ¬â¢s club but later got secured an employment by his step father in the Court of Chanceryââ¬â¢s office. Here, he displayed great understanding of law was a secretary to George Wythe where he was forwarded by the chancellor to the Virginia attorney generals office where he received formal education and was admitted to the bar n 1797. He established court oratory where he received payments of horses and land from his practice where he owned numerous ots and the Kentucky Hotel. Clay married Lucretia Hart and with her, had eleven children. In 1811, he was elected United States House of Representatives and chosen as house speaker breaking a record. He was elected five more times into the same post. He helped establish the American Colonization Society that championed the sending of freed slaves to Africa where Liberia and Monrovia were founded. A dispute erupted In 1820 over the expansion of slavery in Missouri.. Clay helped in settling this dispute. He gained approval from the Congress for the Missouri Compromise. This saw Missouri and Maine as slave state and Free State respectively. Clay was a leading American crusader for revolutions and independence movements in Latin America .Between 1821 and 1826 he asserted the recognition of all the new countries with the exception of Uruguay which was recognized later. Clay died in at the age of 75 in Washington D.C. He was buried at Lexington. His headstone reads, I know no North no South no East no West. Works Cited Eaton, Clement. (1957). Henry Clay and the Art of American Politics. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 25. Adams, John Quincy; Adams, Charles Francis (1874). Memoirs of John Quincy Adams: Comprising Portions of His Diary from 1795 to 1848. J.B. Lippincott Co., 501ââ¬â505. Remini, Robert. Henry Clay: Statesman for the Union, 1991 Zarefsky, David. Henry Clay and the Election of 1844: The Limits of Rhetoric of Compromise Rhetoric Public Affairs, 2003. 6(1): 79-96.
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